print ISSN: 2411-3956
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): Actual Questions of Modern Gynaecology and Perinatology
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Volume: 8
Number: 2
Published December 23, 2021

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Original article

Clinic and surgical treatment of placenta previa as a modern problem of obstetrics
J.F. Qurbanova, A.A. Qasimova, A.Q. Qurbanov
The method of clinical solution of modern aesthetic gynecological pathologies - the use and relevance of the pixel CO2 laser technology
N.A. Hamidova, İ.A. Quliyeva
The importance of lymphocyte-immunotherapy in the treatment and prevention of recurrent miscarriage of pregnancy
J.F. Qurbanova, T.M. Mukharamova, A.S. Həsənova, F.A. Qaraqurbanli
Procedure of Conducting Neonatal Screening in Obstetric Institutions
Q.J. Aliyeva, G.A. Xəlilova, D.A. Dadashova
Features of pregnancy and childbirth during the 44-day World War II, which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic
J.F. Qurbanova, X.M. Takhmazi, A.F. Ismayilova, F.R. Haciyeva
Features of changes in carbohydrate metabolism in adolescents and young girls with general and genital infantilism in the early reproductive period
G.G. Hasanli, E.M. Aliyeva, S.S. Mamedova, V.A. Ahmed-zadeh, I.R. Mustafayeva, F.M. Bakhshaliyev
Nalysis of mental-physical development in the first year of the life of babies born with very low and little body mass
Z.N. Mikayılova, K.S. Abdurahmanova, B.T. Ajdarova
Non immune Hydrops Fetalis (clinical case)
A.F. İsmayılova, X.M. Təhmazi, K.A. Heydərova, A.S. Həsənova


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