print ISSN: 2411-3956
Different effects of myoinositol on ovarian reserve in patients with low ovarian reserve and polycystic ovary syndrome
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


In the article, the positive effect of myoinositol and its precursors on the ovarian reserve, fertiliza-tion frequency, stimulation duration and reducing the amount of medication, live birth frequency in patients with low ovarian reserve and polycystic ovary syndrome was investigated based on literature data. Additional studies are needed to investigate the dosage, duration of administration, selection accor-ding to different groups, and effectiveness.


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Published online 2015 Jun 12. doi: 10.1186/s13048-015-0167-x PMCID: PMC4464995 PMID: 26067283

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AFC-antral follicle count
AMH-antimüllerian hormone
OSI-ovarian sensitivity index PCO-polikistik yumurtalıq sindromu
AFC-antral follikulların sayı
AMH-antimüllerian hormon
OSI-yumurtalıqların həssaslıq indeksi СПКЯ-синдром поликистозных яичников
КАФ-количество антральных фолликулов
AMГ-антимюллеров гормон
гормон, MИ-миоинозитол, ДMИ-Д-миоинозитол, ИЧЯ-индекс чувствительности яичников

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