print ISSN: 2411-3956
Features of the course of pregnancy in women with Rh isoimmunization
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Goal of study: To study the frequency of complications in the course of pregnancy in women with Rh immunization. Material and methods: 13 pregnant women with Rh immunization were examined. The average age of examined was 30.3±14.16 (25-41) years. Based on the study of the obstetric history, as well as clinical and laboratory studies, the frequency of complications in each trimester of pregnancy was determined.
Results: It was established that clinical and laboratory manifestations of hemolytic disease of the fetus (HDF) were observed in the II trimester starting from 21.1±1.3 (23-27) weeks, in the III trimester from 30.3±1.2 (29-31) gestational weeks. It was found that among pregnant women with Rh sensitization in the first trimester of pregnancy, 76.9% had neurogenic stress, 61.5% had anemia, 23.3% had asymptomatic bacteriuria, 46.2% had a threatened abortion, 38.5% of pregnant had symptoms of morning sickness, 23.1% have acute respiratory viral infection, 23.1% have a positive indirect Coombs-a test. In the II trimester, 76.9% of examined had a clinical and laboratory manifestation of HDF, 38.5% had anemia, and 30.80% had asymptomatic bacteriuria.
In the third trimester, all examined (n=12) were diagnosed with clinical and laboratory manifestations of HDF, of them 30.8% had anemia, 23% intrauterine demi of the fetus, 15.4% preterm birth, and 15.4% of pregnant had a mild preeclampsia.


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Rh isoimmunization
Rh alloimmunization
fetal hemolytic disease
antenatal fetal death
indirect Coombs test resus-izoimmunizasiya
Rh alloimmunizasiyası
antenatal fetal ölüm
dolayı Coombs testi резус изоиммунизация
резус аллоиммунизация
гемолитическая болезнь плода
антенатальная гибель плода
непрямая проба Кумбса

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