print ISSN: 2411-3956
Features of the Psycho-Emotional State of Women with Postpartum Depression
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Objective of the Study: To examine the psychoemotional state of women with depression during the postpartum period. Clinical Material and Research Methods: A total of 106 postpartum women were examined. The mean age was 28.3±1.6 years, ranging from 21 to 39 years. Among the participants, 46 women (43.4%) were primiparous, and 60 women (56.6%) were multiparous. The psycho-emotional state of the women was assessed using the Postnatal Depression Screening Scale. Results: It was found that the psycho-emotional state of 71 women (67%) was within the normal range, with an average score of 43.66±1.35 (64 points). Clinical manifestations of postpartum depression were observed in 35 women (33%), with an average score of 76.6±4.52 points on the Postnatal Depression Screening Scale. It was established that the Postnatal Depression Screening Scale is a simple and informative method for the early diagnosis of postpartum depression.


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postpartum depression, Postnatal Depression Screening Scale, psycho-emotional state of postpartum women doğuşdan sonrakı depressiya, postnatal depressiya şkalası, doğuşdan sonrakı qadınların psixo-emosional vəziyyəti послеродовая депрессия, постнатальная скрининговая шкала оценки депрессий, психоэмоциональное состояние родильниц

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