print ISSN: 2411-3956
Modern methods for diagnosing disproportions between the sizes of fetus head and pelvis
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Reducing perinatal morbidity is a priority for obstetric care worldwide. Clinically narrow pelvis has a certain role in the structure of etiological causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality. According to a number of authors, the frequency of clinical narrow pelvis in the world is 1.4-8.5%, the frequency of fetal-pelvic disproportions during childbirth with a large fetus is 5.8-60%. The high percentage of birth injuries (24-60%) due to fetal and pelvic disproportions determines the relevance of this review article. The article collected and examined literary data from foreign and domestic authors for the years 1959-2022. It is necessary to determine the optimal algorithm for timely diagnosis, as well as prediction of a clinically narrow pelvis, which will allow optimizing the management of pregnancy and childbirth.


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clinical narrow pelvis, discrepancy between the fetal head and the size of the pelvis, birth trauma, diagnosis, large fetus kliniki dar çanaq, döl başın çanaq ölçüləri ilə uyğunsuzluğu, doğuş travmatizsmi, diaqnostika, iri döl клинический узкий таз, несоответствие головки плода размерам таза, родовой травматизм, диагностика, крупный плод

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