print ISSN: 2411-3956
The importance of lymphocyte-immunotherapy in the treatment and prevention of recurrent miscarriage of pregnancy
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The recurrent miscarriage of pregnancy (RMP) is characterized by a wide range of variations in etio-logy, including immunological factors. Lymphocyte-immunotherapy is a method, the effectiveness of which for couples with early RMP has been studied since 1985. The results of the procedure are ambigu-ous and contradictory. However, numerous studies confirm the effectiveness of the method. This article analyzes the literature on the results of the use of lymphocyte-immunotherapy, indicating the immu-nological factors, the level of which varies during the normal course of pregnancy, her recurrent miscar-riage and after the application of the procedure.


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recurrent miscarriage
immunological factors
lymphocyte-immunotherapy təkrarlanan düşüklər
immunoloji amillər
limfosit-immunoterapiya повторный выкидыш
иммунологические факторы
лимфоцитарная иммунотерапия

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