print ISSN: 2411-3956
The spread of opportunistic infections among women and their role in the pregnancy pathologies
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The results of the conducted studies show that opportunistic infections are widespread among women. The fact that these infections are more common among women with pregnancy pathology indicates their role in the development of these pathologies. Accordingly, the role of opportunistic infections, especially their mixed forms, in changes in the women immune system and in pregnancy
pathologies should be studied more deeply. Before and during pregnancy, women should be screened for opportunistic infections, among with other examinations. The clinic, diagnosis, and treatment of mono and mixed infections should be comparatively
studied and effective combat and prevention measures should be developed and prepared based on them.


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opportunistic infections
pregnant women
pregnancy pathologies opportunistik infeksiyalar
hamilə qadınlar
hamiləlik patologiyaları оппортунистические инфекции
беременные женщины
патологии беременности