The purpose of the study: To learn characteristics of the length of the nasal bones of fetus depending on coccygeal-parietal size of fetus at the third trimester of pregnancy on example of population of Sumgayit city.
Materials and methods of the study: Ultrasound screening materials of 1050 pregnant women on 11-13 weeks gestation period have been used for the study. Fetometric data have been statistically processed by descriptive statistics using the “data analysis” package.
Achieved results: It was determined that on 11th, 12th and 13th weeks of gestation period of fetus the length of was: 44,5±0,25 и 1,76±0,02мм; 56,3±0,15 и 1,82±0,02mm;
69,3±0,29 & 2,18±0,02 mm. In these terms of pregnancy length of coccygeal-parietal bones (45,56 and 68 mm) and length of nasal bones (1,74; 1,76; 2,32mm) are similar with corresponding average values.
Conclusions. On 11th, 12th and 13th weeks of gestation the 5-95th centiles accordingly are 36-51, 52,5-61,5 and 62,5-80 mm for coccygealparietal bones size, 1,34-2,27, 1,45-2,33 and 1,71-2,64 mm for the length of nasal bones.
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