print ISSN: 2411-3956
Applying of joint instructions to simultaneous endoscopic gynaecological operations
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The purpose of the study: To assess the application of joint instructions to simultaneous endoscopic gynaecological operations.
Materials and methods of the study: The histories of the disease of 2476 patients with endoscopic gynaecological operations have been investigated. Basic guidelines, as well as diseases of patients have been identifi ed taking into consideration all diseases requiring surgical intervention. The number of other diseases per 100 cases requiring endoscopic operation has been calculated.
Achieved results. It was determined that the following cases have priorities among diseases requiring endoscopic operation: endometrial polyps (18,1± 0,77%), pregnancy (16,7 ± 0,75%), myoma of childhood (10,4 ± 0,61%), cysts of ovaries (6,2 ± 0,48% %). Frequency of joint adherence to simultaneous operations is infertility, cysts of ovaries, genital endometriosis, endometer hyperplasia, was registered on the background of an ectopic pregnancy.
Conclusion. Endoscopic gynecological operations guidelines diff er due to the frequency of other diseases association and possibility of simultaneous
endoscopic gynaecological operations also is changeable.


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gynecological operations
joint indications ginekoloji əməliyyatlar
birgə göstərişlər гинекологические операции
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