print ISSN: 2411-3956
Assessment of morbidity in newborns born at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Births between 37 and 38 completed weeks of gestation, defined as early term birth, have become a topic of debate. The goal is to assess the condition of newborns born in the early stages of 37-38 weeks and compare with newborns born at 39-41 weeks. Material and methods: The retrospective study analyzed 100 history cases. Newborns were divided into 2 groups: main group - early birth at 37-38 weeks, 47 newborns; control group - births at 39-41 weeks, 53 newborns. Newborns were assessed for sex, birth weight, Apgar scores, maternal age, and birth parity. Results: Newborns of early birth at 37-38 weeks had significantly low body weight (p = 0.027), low Apgar scores after 1 minute (p = 0.034). Mothers of such newborns were more likely to be obese or overweight (p=0.034), as well as deliver by cesarean section (p=0.034). 32 multiparous mothers of newborns in the main group had a significantly more frequent history of premature birth (p = 0.025). In the main group, the probability of having low birth weight babies (OR=3.743, 95% CI, 1.102-12.711), the probability of unsatisfactory condition of the newborn after a minute (OR=2.451, 95% CI, 1.061-5.663), cesarean section (OR=2.485, 95% CI, 1.062-5.814), premature history of childbirth (OR=4.050, 95% CI, 1.136- 14.433), obesity/overweight (OR=2.485, 95% CI, 1.062-5.814) were high. Among low birth weight children, respiratory support was provided in 63.6% of cases (p=0.029). The level of glucose in the umbilical cord blood in newborns of the main group exceeded the same indicator in newborns of the control group (p = 0.053). Conclusion: For early birth at 37–38 weeks, low birth weight infants, Apgar score <7 at 1st minute, abdominal delivery, maternal history of preterm birth, and maternal obesity/ overweight can be considered independent predictors. Newborns born early (37-38 weeks of pregnancy) were at risk of hypoglycemia. Early term birth is associated with an increased need for hospital care in the early postpartum period.


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birth at 37-38 weeks, newborns, low weight, Apgar score, Caesarean section, premature birth 37-38 həftəlik doğuş, yenidoğulmuşlar, az çəki, Apqar şkalası, Qeysəriyyə kəsiyi, vaxtından əvvəl doğuş роды в 37-38 недель, новорожденные, малый вес, шкала Апгар, Кесарево сечение, преждевременные роды

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