print ISSN: 2411-3956
Modern opinions about the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


This review article is devoted to ovarian cancer, which is considered the most dangerous disease of gynecological oncology. The review showed that ovarian cancer comprises a set of subtypes with different clinicopathological and molecular
characteristics and prognoses. The authors' research found that in addition to developing effective screening methods, it is also necessary to educate women about the risk factors and symptoms of the disease. As a result of the literature study, it was established that ovarian cancer, which is quite common and has a severe clinical and histomor-phological picture, is of great importance from both a medical and social point of view. The use of modern methods of disease screening, identification of the main risk factors, improvement of treatment and prevention methods have not yet been fully resolved. From this point of view, there is no doubt about the relevance and necessity of conducting research on various aspects of ovarian cancer.


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ovarian cancer, spread, clinic, examination methods, therapy yumurtalıq xərçəngi yayılma, klinika, diaqnostik üsullar, terapiya рак яичников, распространенность, клиника, методы диагностики, терапия