print ISSN: 2411-3956
Ways to solve problems in the family and sexual life of men in modern times
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


As a result of extensive and comprehensive examinations carried out at the Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Eurolab Medical Center, it turned out that among the factors causing infertility and other sexual problems in men are sexually transmitted or household infections. The most common diseases in the body: prostatitis, urethritis, vesiculitis, epididymitis, psychoemotional stress, hormonal disorders, etc. as well as a number of diseases. In addition, varicocele, hydrocele, cryptorchidism, impaired sexual development, etc. are observed. A number of diseases can also cause infertility and a number of sexual problems in men


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Сагалов А.В., Бавилский В.Ф. Влияние санации хронических воспалительных процессов уретры и простато-везикулярного комплекса на нарушении половой функции мужчин. //Тезисы конф. ПАА.,М., 2001. – С. 31.

Ettore Caroppo and Giovanni M. Colpi. Male Infertility: A Review of Key Papers Appearing in the Reproductive Medicine and Andrology Section of the Journal of Clinical Medicine. J Clin Med. 2023 Mar; 12(6): 2366. Published online 2023 Mar 19. doi: 10.3390/jcm12062366

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male infertility
sexual dysfunction
hormonal levels
sexually transmitted infections kişi sonsuzluğu
cinsi disfunksiya
spermoqramma, hormonal səviyyələr
infeksiyalar cinsi yolla ötürülür мужское бесплодие
сексуальная дисфункция
гормональный фон
инфекции передающиеся половым путем