print ISSN: 2411-3956
Respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


We examined 84 preterm infants with gestational ages ranging from <28 to 37 weeks who had respiratory distress syndrome. The severity of the infants' condition was assessed using the Downes and Silverman scales. All infants underwent instrumental and laboratory examinations. The conducted studies revealed that the health condition of preterm infants is dependent on the health status of their mothers. Extragenital and gynecological pathologies, complicated pregnancy courses, are the main triggering factors for preterm births and are a key risk factor for the development of respiratory pathology in preterm infants. The article demonstrates that the respiratory support strategy in children involves selecting a specific mode depending on the severity of the respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). For moderate RDS, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) ventilation was employed. In cases of severe RDS, mechanical ventilation was initiated. If the child's condition was not critical, trigger ventilation modes were introduced. Initial parameter adjustments were made, confirming the appropriateness through flow wave and visual observation of the child. It was found that employing pressure support ventilation (PSV) in children with RDS during the transition from controlled to assisted ventilation helps maintain adequate alveolar ventilation at lower values of peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), inspiratory time (Tin), mean airway pressure (MAP), thereby reducing invasive respiratory support. Timely and adequate respiratory support in RDS reduces neonatal mortality.


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newborn, respiratory distress syndrome, prematurity, respiratory insufficiency, CPAP, (continuous positive airway pressure), surfactant therapy yenidoğulmuş uşaq, respirator distress sindromu, vaxtından əvvəl doğuş, tənəffüs çatışmazlığı, CPAP, surfaktant terapiya новорожденный, респираторный дистресс-синдром, недоношенность, дыхательная недостаточность, CPAP, (постоянное положительное давление в дыхательных путях), сурфактантная терапия

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