Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology 2024-05-23T03:31:07-06:00 Open Journal Systems <p class="p1">Over the years, we have provided readers with interesting reviews and original articles, the results of research. In previous issues, we have published the results of the scientific work of our colleagues from Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, as well as the materials of the international conference held by the Association "Support to the Development of Gynecology and Perinatology" in our magazine. We hope that the articles included in the future will be of interest to readers and our publications will gain a wide readership.</p> <p class="p1">The journal “Actual issues of modern gynecology and perinatology” was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan and by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 16 May 2014 (protocol No 07-R) is included in the list of recommended periodicals of scientific publications.</p> Modern aspects of extending the reproductive period in women 2024-05-23T01:15:36-06:00 J.F. Gurbanova K.G. Garayeva A.F. Amirova A.S. Hasanova <p>Ovarian reserve plays a central role in a woman's life. The progressive decrease of this reserve due to age is natural, but it can be accelerated due to the influence of various factors. This decrease can lead to a decrease in natural fertility (and indirectly in the response to the effects of assisted reproductive technologies) in women. When the reserve begins to decrease, changes occur in a woman's body, which increases the risk of developing various chronic diseases. Various researches continue to be conducted in order to extend the reproductive period in women. Ovarian reserve depends on physiological and pathological factors. The main natural physiological factor is a woman's age. A decrease in ovarian reserve is observed in one out of two women in the late reproductive period. Researches for the preservation of ovarian reserve are carried out at different stages. AMH determination is one of the main criteria for evaluating the degree of effect and duration of the drugs used in this direction. There is a need for new large‐scale research in this direction.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology Characteristics of pregnancy in women with discoordinated labor activity 2024-05-23T02:51:29-06:00 A.A. Javadova E.M. Aliyeva S.M. Ismayilova Sh.Z. Amiraslanova A.N. Khudiyeva <p>The purpose was studying the characteristics of pregnancy in women with discoordinated labor activity. Clinical material and examination methods: According to the objective, 60 pregnant women with DLA were examined. All women were assigned the degree of cervical effacement starting from 39‐40 weeks of pregnancy. M.S.Burnehill scale modulated by E.A.Chernukha was used to determine the degree of cervical effacement. All pregnant women were evaluated by the non‐stress method of antenatal CT scan, fetal heart rate and uterine contraction activity. The average age of pregnant women and women in labor included in the study was 27.3±0.7 (18‐40) years. Results of the study: Uncomplicated course of pregnancy was determined in 35% of women with DLA in the first trimester. Among the detected complications, anemia was identified in 69,2%, early toxicosis in 59%, vegetative‐vascular dystonia in 30,8%, hereditary thrombophilia in 25,6%, and threatened miscarriage in 23,1%. Of the 43 women with DLA in 41 had (95.3%) primary infertility, 23 (53.5%) asymptomatic bacteriuria, 21 (48.8%) miscarriage, 34 (79.1%) anemia, hormonal treatment with progesterone agents in 19 (44.2%), gestational pyelonephritis in 17 (39.5%), hereditary thrombophilia in 10 (23.3%), vegetative‐vascular dystonia in 9 (20.9%), hypothyroidism (with hormonal therapy) was determined in 5 (11.6%).</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology Sentinel lymphatic biopsy nodes during surgical staging of cancer endometrium 2024-05-23T02:09:56-06:00 Ş. Alıyev S. Mürşüdova <p>Radicality of surgical operations, high filled at an early stage of endometrial cancer, significantly exceeds the required volume. Taking this into account, identifying sentinel lymphomas number of nodes during surgery today is one of the most pressing issues for correct diagnosis and long-term planning the best treatment. Use of ICG displays shows that the identification of sentinel lymphatic small nodes using the fluorescent method considered a safe and effective method diagnostics</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology Modern opinions about the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer 2024-05-23T01:28:21-06:00 L.A. Aliyeva <p>This review article is devoted to ovarian cancer, which is considered the most dangerous disease of gynecological oncology. The review showed that ovarian cancer comprises a set of subtypes with different clinicopathological and molecular<br>characteristics and prognoses. The authors' research found that in addition to developing effective screening methods, it is also necessary to educate women about the risk factors and symptoms of the disease. As a result of the literature study, it was established that ovarian cancer, which is quite common and has a severe clinical and histomor-phological picture, is of great importance from both a medical and social point of view. The use of modern methods of disease screening, identification of the main risk factors, improvement of treatment and prevention methods have not yet been fully resolved. From this point of view, there is no doubt about the relevance and necessity of conducting research on various aspects of ovarian cancer.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology Arteriovenous malformation of the uterus - as a complication of scar pregnancy 2024-05-23T03:08:01-06:00 T.E. Bayramova G.O. Rəhimova L.N. Qaçaylı <p>AVM (Arteriovenous malformation) - the presence of an abnormal connection between the arterial and venous system without a capillary network. Arteriovenous malformation of the uterus is rare, less than 100 clinical observations have been reported in the literature. It can be congenital or acquired. Arteriovenous malformation of the uterus can be formed after procedures performed in childhood, infection, intrauterine device, abortions and scar pregnancy. Usually, this pathology manifests itself in the form of menometrorrhagia. The diagnosis is made by doppler ultrasound and MRI examination of the uterus [1,2].</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology The medical and social status of women with placental insufficiency 2024-05-23T02:30:37-06:00 Z.M. Osmanli Z.F. Mekhdiyeva <p>The study of placental insufficiency has not lost its relevance for many years and continues to be a priority in modern obstetrics. The aim is to assess the social and medical risk factors for the development of placental insufficiency among pregnant women. Material and methods. The results of 145 questionnaires of women were the material for the study.<br>Placental insufficiency was found in all women. The survey was conducted in the form of an anonymous oral survey, using data from kart "Doğum tarixi No. AZS‐096" and the self‐assessment scale of C.D. Spielberg, Y.L. Khanin. Results. The average age of<br>the respondents was 30.4±3.48 years. Of the respondents, 62.8% were over the age of 30, which significantly exceeded the number of patients aged &lt; 30 years (p&lt;0.001). Repeat births were significantly more common among the participants (p&lt;0.001). Acute respiratory diseases were more common among extragenital diseases (30.0%), and preeclampsia was more common among complications accompanying pregnancy (33.1%). The structure of gynecological diseases was dominated by chronic salpingoophoritis – 45.5%, cervical erosion – 14.5%. </p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology The features of immunization during pregnancy 2024-05-23T01:55:43-06:00 J.F. Gurbanova A.F. Amirova K.H. Efendiyeva <p>Immunizing pregnant women to protect the mother, fetus and infant from infection has increasingly been used over the last decade. Protection against infectious diseases in neonates is mainly provided by maternal antibodies transferred from mother to infant during pregnancy through transplacental transport or after delivery via breastfeeding. Both the transplacental‐ and breast milk–derived maternal antibodies function as the primary source of protection against infectious diseases in neonates during the first vulnerable weeks of life. During recent infectious disease outbreaks (influenza, pertussis, Zika) and for other infectious diseases (CMV, GBS), pregnant women are increasingly identified as an important target for vaccination. For some of these diseases, vaccines are already on the market, and recommended during pregnancy. For others, vaccines are currently under development; furthermore, some are even specifically designed to be administered during pregnancy. Conclusion: This review article provides an overview on the rationale and main mechanism of the maternal vaccination strategy and gives a summary about the current and possible future recommendations for maternal vaccination.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Women 2024-05-23T03:26:32-06:00 C.I. Ahmadzade A.Sh. Iskanderova I.S. Ahmadov <p>Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is a problem with few treatment options, affecting approximately 40% of women. FSD is closely related to aging and is a common condition. Common symptoms of FSD include decreased vaginal lubrication, pain and discomfort during intercourse, decreased sensation of arousal, and difficulty achieving orgasm. During such discomfort, only a small part of women consult a doctor. Compared to the vast research and treatment for erectile dysfunction in men, particularly with the development of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, FSD has been significantly understudied and treatment has been limited primarily to psychological therapy. A number of cardiovascular diseases have been associated with FSD, including atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial disease, and hypertension. But more information needs to be learned to properly treat women with FSD.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology