print ISSN: 2411-3956
Optimizing the treatment of uterine infertility based on the use of platelet-rich fibrin (I-PRF)
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The review presents modern scientific data on the uterine factor of infertility. The main factors such as chronic endometritis, thin endometrium, Asherman's syndrome are outlined. The literature data on the improvement of the state of the endometrium are


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hronic endometritis
thin endometrium
sherman's syndrome
platelet-rich fibrin (I-PRF) sonsuzluq
xroniki endometrit
nazik endometrium
xroniki arterial hipertenziya
Aşerman sindromu
trombositlərlə zəngin fibrin (I-PRF) бесплодие
хронический эндометрит
тонкий эндометрий
синдром Ашермана
богатый тромбоцитами фибрин (I-PRF)