print ISSN: 2411-3956
Reproductive dysfunction in women with endometrial hyperplasia
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Aim: study of the frequency of prevalence, risk factors, clinical picture, and diagnosis of repro-ductive disorders in patients with endometrial hyperplasia in the retrospective group, assessment of the effectiveness of therapeutic and prophylactic measures. Materials and methods. A retrospective study was carried out on 380 patients with repro-ductive dysfunctions and benign uterine pathologies in the age group of 18-45 years. Patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group included patients with endometrial hyperplasia (65 patients) and reproduc-tive dysfunction, the second group included patients with reproductive dsfunction and other benign uterine pathologies (adenomyosis, myoma of the uterus, endometrial polyps). During the study, the gynecological and somatic anamnesis of patients, generative functions, duration of the disease, methods of clinical and laboratory examination and pregnancy were assessed, and their results were evaluated and compared. The effectiveness of the therapy was evaluated. The figures obtained from the study were analyzed by the method of statistics of indicators of alternative variations. Results. It was found that in women with endometrial hyperplasia reproductive disorders are more common at the age of t 25. A comparative analysis of the body mass index in women with endometrial hyperplasia and reproductive function disorders showed that 62,5% of patients were overweight. Menstrual irregularities in these patients were observed in the form of metrorrhagia (76,9%) and menometrorrhagia (60,0%). Primary infertility occurred in 32,3% of patients and 63,1% of patients had secondary infertility. Spontaneous abortion was observed in 10,7% of patients, non-developing pregnancy was diagnosed in 12,3% of cases and repeated miscarriages occurred in 4,6% of patients. It was found that more progestogens were used for treatment. In this way, 72,3% of patients were prescribed progestogens, oral contraceptives were prescribed in 21,5% cases. Study showed that antianemic treatment was prescribed in 60.0% of patients. Hemostatic therapy in 53,8% and blood transfusion in 3.1% of patients. At the same time the hormonal intrauterine device (mirena) was used for hemostatic and therapeutic purposes in 10,9% of cases. It should be noted that after treatment in patients with endometrial hyperplasia and reproductive function disorders pregnancy occurred in 67,7% of cases and in 47,7% of cases pregnancy ended successfully. Conclusion. Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment in woman with benign endometrial hyperplasia improves the quality of life and reproductive functions of women in the reproductive period and contributes to the successful completion of pregnancy.


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endometrial hyperplasia
reproductive dysfunction
infertility miscarriages endometriumun hiperplasiyası
reproduktiv funksiya pozulmaları
sonsuzluq, düşüklər гиперплазия эндометрия
репродуктивная дисфункция
бесплодие, выкидыши