print ISSN: 2411-3956
Informative value of transvaginal ultrasonography in patients with pathology of the endometrium in the premenopausal period
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The goal of investigation: To study the Informative value of transvaginal ultrasonography in the pathology of the endometrium in the premenopausal period. Material and Methods: 73 women with vari-ous clinical manifestations of endometrial pathology in the premenopausal period were examined. The average age of the examined women was 47.82±0.27 years. The onset of Menarche in the examined wo-men was observed from 11.0±0.15 years, the duration of the menstrual cycle was within 27.24±0.47 days, the duration of menstruation was 5.1±0.14 days. The onset of Sexual activity was from 19.5±0.57 years. The number of pregnancies was average 5.2±0.02, child-birth - 1.72±0.11, abortions - 1.57±0.11, spontaneous miscarriages - 1.91±0.34.
Results: Based on clinical, functional, endoscopic, hormonal and morphological research methods, it was found that the frequency of endometrial polyps in the premenopausal period was 54.8%, of which 45.2% of patients were diagnosed with glandular fibrous polyp of the endometrium. The incidence of diffuse endometrial hyperplasia was 20.34%, of which 11% of patients had simple glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium without atypia. The incidence of endo-metritis in patients was 11%, subserous leiomyoma with diffuse endometrial hyperplasia - 9.6%, the inci-dence of endometrial carcinoma was 2.7%.
In patients with endometrial pathology in the pre-menopausal period there were observed low echogra-phic indicators of the uterus: length (56.6±0.23 mm), width (40.95±0.25 mm) and the size of the ovaries, at the same time there was significant increse in the antero-posterior size of the uterus (53.97±0.3 mm) and the thickness of the endometrium (10.1±0.12 mm).


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premenopausal period
endometrial pathology
endometrial hyperplasia
endometrial polyp
endometrial carcinoma premenopauzal dövr
endometriumun patologiyası
endometriumun polipi
endometriumun hiperplaziyası
endometriumun karsinoması пременопаузальный период
патология эндометрия
гиперплазия эндометрия
полип эндометрия
карцинома эндометрия