print ISSN: 2411-3956
Features of changes in hormones, carbohydrate metabolism and echographic indicators of reproductive organs in patients with postmenopausal iatrogenic hyperandrogenism
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Objective: To study the features of changes in hormone levels, carbohydrate metabolism and echographic indicators of the reproductive system organs in patients with iatrogenic hyperandro-genism (HA) in the postmenopausal period. Material and methods: 22 women with iatrogenic HA in the postmenopausal period were examined. All patients were long term treated with medications such as natural and synthetic gestagens, antidepres-sants, thyroid drugs. The results of the study. It has been established that in women with long-term administration of thyroid control drugs, gestagens and antidepres-sants, an increase in the level of androgens of the adrenal and ovarian genesis was observed.
In patients with iatrogenic HA, there was an increase in both fasting blood sugar levels and after oral glucose tolerance test. The echographic indices of the reproductive system organs in this cohort of patients did not practically differ from those of patients without the syndrome of HA.


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postmenopausal period
yatrogenic hyperandrogenemia
echographic parameters
endocrine symptoms postmenopozal dövr
yatrogen hiperandrogenizm
ultrases göstəricilər
endokrin simptomlar постменопаузальный период
ятрогенная гиперандрогения
эхографические показатели
эндокринные симптомы