print ISSN: 2411-3956
Nalysis of mental-physical development in the first year of the life of babies born with very low and little body mass
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Health of preemies during the first year of their life is very important as they are the primary risk group to develop some kind of disability during their lifetime. 75 preemies have been observed and exami-ned. They were divided into two groups according to their gestational periods: I group - 45 preemies with very low body weight, II group - 30 preemies with extremely low body weight. Condition of psycholo-gical and physical development was examined in 6 months and 12 months. It was concluded that the psychological and physical development of preemies during the first year of their life differed from each other depending on their birthweight. During the first year the physical development of 56.5% of preemies with ELB and 66.7% of preemies with VLB have reached their full term born peers. The psycho-logical development of 33.3% of preemies with ELB and 22.7% of preemies with VLB have reached their full term born peers. Newborns of both groups have developed diseases causing heavy disabilities. But during the first year of their life the group with VLB has seen 13.3% disability, while the group with ELB only 8.4%.


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very low birthweight (VLB)
extremely low birthweight (ELB)
psychological and physical development premasiyalar
çox aşağı doğum çəkisi (VLB)
son dərəcə aşağı doğum çəkisi (ELB)
psixoloji və fiziki inkişaf недоношенные дети
очень низкая масса тела при рождении (VLB)
чрезвычайно низкая масса тела при рождении (ELB)
психологическое и физическое развитие