print ISSN: 2411-3956
Diagnostic value of ultrasound and the choice of surgical intervention in patients with benign neoplasms of the ovaries in the postmenopausal period
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Objective: to study the diagnostic value of ultrasound in benign ovarian tumors in the postmenopausal period and to determine the method and volume of surgical interventions. Material and methods of research. 23 patients with benign ovarian tumors in the postmenopausal period from the period of 2016 to 2017 were examined. Examination of patients with benign ovarian tumors revealed that the average age of patients was 62.3 ± 1.1 (49-67). The duration of menopause was 11.0±1.5 (4-18) years. The average age of menopause was 50.0 ± 1.0 (43-54) years. Clinical, hormonal, biochemical and radiological methods were studied in all postmenopausal patients with benign ovarian tumors, the severity of menopausal syndrome was evaluated on the Kupperman scale. Along with this the severity of subjective manifestations, and the menstrual and generative function were studied. The results of the study. As a result of the study, it was found out that patients with benign ovarian tumors in the postmenopausal period showed a statistically significant increase in the anteroposterior size (51.7 ± 4.8 mm) of the uterus and endometrial thickness (5.5 ± 0.9 mm), as well as a statistically significant increase in both ovaries, which suggests the presence of neoplastic processes in one or another ovary, but does not allow to accurately determine the nature of the tumor process, which is the indication for additional research methods. Surgery prevailed in benign ovarian tumors in the postmenopausal period - 82.6% (in 19) performed by standart laparatomy. Meanwhile in ovarian tumors of small and moderate sizes endoscopic operations were favored - 17.4% (in 4), because of their low trauma incidence and a short recovery period.


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postmenopausal period
benign ovarian tumors
transvaginal ultrasound
hysterectomy postmenopozal dövr
yumurtalığın xoşxassəli şişləri
transvaginal ultrasəs
uşaqlığın ekstripasiyası постменопаузальный период
доброкачественные опухоли яичников
трансвагинальный ультразвук
экстирпация матки