print ISSN: 2411-3956
The improvement of diagnostics and treatment of cervical diseases
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Non Malignant diseases of cervix is wide spread and actual problem of modern Gynecology. The pre-sent review describes the methods of modern diag-nostics and treatment of non malignant cervical diseases.


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Conventional Pap smear, human papillomavirus, liquid-based cytology, cervical diseases, argon plasma ablation, radiowave surgery Adi Pap smear, insan papillomavirusu, maye əsaslı sitologiya, servikal xəstəliklər, argon plazma ablasyonu, radio dalğa əməliyyatı обычный мазок Папаниколау, вирус папилломы человека, жидкостная цитология, заболевания шейки матки, аргоноплазменная абляция, радиоволновая хирургия