print ISSN: 2411-3956
Clinical and diagnostic features of the labor process in women with mild pre-eclampsia
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Objective: To study the characteristics of the labor process in pregnant with mild preeclampsia. Material and Methods: A total of 97 pregnant women and women with mild preeclampsia were examined. The study included clinical, biochemical, laboratory, hemostasiological research methods. Antenatal and intrapartum cardiotocography, car-diac activity of the fetus and uterine activity were performed. In the dynamics of the labor process, the features of oxygen transport, the acid-base state of the blood, the level of enzymes, electrolytes were investigated. At the same time the state of oxygen transport and the acid-base state of the umbilical cord blood of the newborn were investigated.


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hypocsemiya, mild preeclampsia, mature cervix, acid-base state of the blood, oxygen transport yüngül preeklampsiya, hipoksemiya, yetkin serviks, qanın turşu-baz tərkibi, oksigen nəqli легкая преэклампсия, гипоксемия, зрелая шейка матки, кислотно-основной состав крови, транспорт кислорода