print ISSN: 2411-3956
Modern methods of treatment of bacterial vaginosis and nonspecific vaginitis
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


A total of 200 women of reproductive age with bacterial vaginosis and nonspecific vaginitis partici-pated in the trial. Patients were divided into 3 groups: 1-st group- 62 women taking Hexicon sup-positories, the 2nd group included 87 women who were prescribed a combination therapy, including Hexicon and Metronidazole, and the 3rd group included 51 women taking metronidazol supposito-ries. The high efficacy and safety of combination therapy has been established in a randomized multicenter prospective study. Polyethylene oxide in the composition Hexicon destroys the biofilm, enhances the activity of the main drug, resulting in increased sensitivity to antimicrobial agents.


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bacterial vaginosis, non-specific vaginitis, hexicon, metronidazole, biofilms bakterial vajinoz, spesifik olmayan vajinit, geksikon, metronidazol, biofilm бактериальный вагиноз, неспецифический вагинит, гексикон, метронидазол, биопленка