print ISSN: 2411-3956
Algorithm of examination and management of pregnant women with various risk factors for hypertensive disorders
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The aim of the study was to develop an alqoritm for the examination and management of pregnant women with various risk factors for the development of hypertensive disorders.
Materials and methods of research. 230 pregnant women in the fi rst trimester of pregnancy (up to 15 weeks) were examined. Clinical and anamnestic risk factors for hypertension were studied (age, parity, hypertensive disorders in the past, family history of hypertension, infertility, multiple pregnancies, extragenital diseases, etc.), immunograms (general immunological reactivity of the organism, level of autoantibodies to 12 antigens) ELIS-P-Complex-12 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and placental growth factor (PLGF) by the method of enzyme immunoassay. The following indicators of predictive characteristics were determined by statistical
methods: sensitivity (Se), specifi city (Sp), predictive value of absence of sign (PV-) and prognostic value of presence of trait (PV +). Determined the eff ectivenessof various methods of preventing preeclampsia depending on the immunological status of pregnant women using immunoqlobulins. Results. The results of the studies allowed us to identify a number of anamnestic, clinical, laboratory, immunological and instrumental risk factors for the development of preeclampsia. Depending on the presence and combination of these predictors of hypertensive disorders, pregnant women from the first trimester of gestation were allocated to high and low risk groups for the development of PE. Evaluation of the eff ectiveness of therapeutic measures has allowed to develop an algorithm for the examination and management of pregnancy trimester for patients with factors of high and low risk of developing hypertensive disorders.


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preeclampsia, risk factors, autoantibodies, placental growth factor, prevention preeklampsiya, risk faktorları, autoanticismlər, plasentar boy faktoru, profi laktika преэклампсия, факторы риска, аутоантитела, фактор роста плаценты, профилактика