print ISSN: 2411-3956
The medical and social status of women with placental insufficiency
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The study of placental insufficiency has not lost its relevance for many years and continues to be a priority in modern obstetrics. The aim is to assess the social and medical risk factors for the development of placental insufficiency among pregnant women. Material and methods. The results of 145 questionnaires of women were the material for the study.
Placental insufficiency was found in all women. The survey was conducted in the form of an anonymous oral survey, using data from kart "Doğum tarixi No. AZS‐096" and the self‐assessment scale of C.D. Spielberg, Y.L. Khanin. Results. The average age of
the respondents was 30.4±3.48 years. Of the respondents, 62.8% were over the age of 30, which significantly exceeded the number of patients aged < 30 years (p<0.001). Repeat births were significantly more common among the participants (p<0.001). Acute respiratory diseases were more common among extragenital diseases (30.0%), and preeclampsia was more common among complications accompanying pregnancy (33.1%). The structure of gynecological diseases was dominated by chronic salpingoophoritis – 45.5%, cervical erosion – 14.5%.


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pregnant women, placental insufficiency, questionnaire, self-assessment scale, psychoemotional status hamilə, plasental çatışmazlıq, anket, miqyas özünə hörmət, psixo-emosional vəziyyət беременные, плацентарная недостаточность, анкетирование, шкала самооценки, психоэмоциональный статус