print ISSN: 2411-3956
Clınıcal and anamnestıc features of women of pre- and post-menopausal age perıod
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The article examines the clinical-anamnestic features and medical-social factors in pre- and postmenopausal women. In Azerbaijan, women have special medical and social characteristics, which determined the purpose of this study.
The study included 113 women of pre- and postmenopausal age. The main reason for the patients seeking medical help was abnormal uterine bleeding of varying intensity and duration. The age of the patients included in the study ranged from 40 to 65 years. Of the surveyed patients, 78 (69,0%) women were in the premenopausal period (group 1), 35 (31,0%) women
were in the postmenopausal period (group 2). The features of the medico-social and clinical characteristics of women in the pre- and postmeno- pausal period included in the study are: housework, secondary education, overweight and obesity, the
presence of abnormal uterine bleeding, a high incidence of somatic pathology, and a long course of climacteric syndrome.


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women, premenopausal period, postmenopausal period, clinical and anamnestic features. qadınlar, premenopozal dövr, postmenopozal dövr, klinik və anamnestik xüsusiyyətlər. женщины, пременопаузальный период, постменопаузальный период, клинико- анамнестические особенности