print ISSN: 2411-3956
Anti-mullerian hormone and its role in the female reproductive system
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


The study confirmed that AMH level in blood is the primary and the most credible marker for assessing the female reproduction system. A low AMH level signifies that a woman has an ovarian reserve disorder. A higher AMH level may signify
complications like polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure and others. An AMH level changes before gynecologic pathologies can be clinically detected. Early AMH tests can help timely diagnosing female infertility and contribute to
positive treatment outcomes.


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anti-mullerian hormone
polycystic syndrome
reproduction system antimüller hormonu
yumurtalıqların polikistoz sindromu
reproduktiv sistem антимюллеров гормон
поликистоз синдром
репродуктивная система