print ISSN: 2411-3956
Luteal phase ovarian stimulasion for poor ovarian responders and Duostim protocol
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Actual Questions of Modern Gynecology and Perinatology


Among patients with infertility, patients with low ovarian reserve and poor response to stimulation predominate. The article explains the advantages of luteal phase stimulation over follicular phase stimulation in such patients based on the literature.
Twice stimulation in a single cycle in a short period of time - the results of the Duostim protocol are more promising. There is a great need to study perinatal and postnatal outcomes in the future.


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PPOR-poor ovarian response
ovarian stimulation
live birth rate
luteal-phase stimulation HOR-aşağı yumurtalıq ehtiyat
yumurtalıqların stimullaşdırılması
tezliyi məhsuldarlıq
luteal fazın stimullaşdırılması НОР-низкий овариальный резер
стимуляция яичников
частота рождаемости
стимуляция лютеиновой фазы